“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”


Reiki (ray’ key) reduces stress, pain, and blocked energy, while promoting relaxation and healing. Life force energy flows through us all, restoring and balancing our ki (energy). Reiki healing stimulates energy to the chakras (energy centers) assisting  you in the process of healing yourself. If the life force energy is sluggish or becomes blocked, the flow is disrupted, causing physical, emotional or spiritual dis-ease. When energy (ki) is  flowing and plentiful, one is capable of being happy, balanced and healthy.

balance - Alignment - Harmony

What are the Benefits of Reiki?

- Diminishes physical pain and stress and fatigue

- Improves digestion and elimination processes

- Speeds up the process of recovery from illness, injury and surgery

- Improves self esteem

- Relieves chronic tension including tension headaches

- Helps eliminate anxiety, depression, fears, phobias

- Promotes balanced sleep patterns

- Improves concentration and enhances attention

- Improves focus for learning

- Assists with changes in attitude for positive growth, and social process

- Assists one to cut cords and let-go of old unhealthy patterns

Energy Healing

This natural energy healing method is designed to open the pathways of the four lower bodies, healing in mind, body, emotions and etheric. Healing is accomplished by directing the flow of universal life-force energy (the fundamental energy which creates and sustains the universe). This invisible, vibrational life force energy shapes the way you think, feel, speak, act and respond in every day life. It is the basis of health, vitality and the essence of life itself. It has the ability to heal the sick and maintain health. The Reiki practitioner channels this invisible force to the client. Reiki restores, balances, repairs and recharges the healing levels of life force energy bring balance and harmony. Everyone can benefit from Reiki treatments: children, teens, adults, elderly, even plants and animals love Reiki treatments. Reiki enhances and compliments any modality of treatment for illness or dis-ease.

What Happens During a Reiki Session?

The client will receive the energy needed to bring their mind, body, and spirit back to homeostasis. The body wants balance, not dis-ease. The Reiki practitioner acts as a clear channel to allow for this healing process to take place. During a Reiki session, the client may feel like they are in a dream state or fall asleep, and they will experience deep relaxation. A Reiki healing session is helpful for pain and stress reduction, helps with insomnia, anxiety, and depression. A feeling of well-being takes over. The atmosphere is quiet and relaxing. Soft music and candles are used in the healing room. You remain fully clothed while you lie down on a massage table, and are made comfortable with pillows and blankets. The practitioner channels life-force-energy from the universe, to you and through you, in a variety of gentle laying-on-of-hands patterns and methods, thus stimulating the positive flow of energy to your chakras. The most common sensations are heat, coolness, tingling, calming and releasing of all that no longer serves us.