Things to do
Explore the Magic of backpacking, canoeing, camping, hiking, fishing, rock climbing, 4-wheeling, waterfalls, cliff jumping, gold panning, snowmobiling, skiing, snowshoeing, tubing and Maine's beautiful wildlife. The Om Domel is located in Maine's most pristine mountainous region, where rivers, lakes, trails, summits, waterfalls and hidden gems are abundant. Every wonder and adventure listed below is within a 30 minute day trip from the Dome.
Click on the links below the slideshow for more information..

Appalachian Trail, 282 Maine miles
Busters Beach with mountain views
ITS-82 (Maine's highway for 4-wheeling, snowmobiling & Horseback)
Rangeley Lakes
Devils Den
Tumble Down Mountain
Coos Canyon (cliff jumping, gold panning)
The Height of Land
Angel Falls 90 foot waterfall
Dunn Falls 75 foot waterfall
Cataract Falls
Step Falls (natural waterslides)
Screw Auger Falls
Moose caves
Grafton Notch
Frenchmans Hole
Rock Climbing
Digging gems & minerals
Panning for Gold on the Swift River
Horseback Ridding
Rumford White Cap (Our Back Yard, 360 degree views!)
Sunday River ski resort (Mountain Biking, Zip Lining)
Black Mountain ski resort (Weddings, Hiking, Concerts)
Endless hiking trails & mountain summits