Our Mission
With a strong foundation of Love, Light and Faith, it is our souls purpose to facilitate this sacred Dome space for others to heal themselves by inquiring within. Immersing in Nature and utilizing a multitude of healing modalities, classes, workshops and retreats, we are here to guide each individual along their souls journey inward. We stand strong with community, promoting sustainability, abundance and a balance among our natural world. It is time to awaken the Collective Consciousness, unify and co-create the New Earth of a Golden Age.
Transformation through community
The Om Dome was built by a community of friends and family on 40+ acres of wilderness land in the Southwestern mountains of Maine. Here at the Dome everyone is the student and the teacher, it is a sanctuary where sharing the wisdom of your gifts and knowledge is highly encouraged. We promote self-discovery, community, and sustainability, as well as a hands on experience of living in alignment with our higher purpose. It is our intention to reintegrate Humans and Nature as one, to heal and to Thrive as a community within the balance of the natural world, and spread this message through the ripples of our actions.
The Dome is opening it’s doors to the community for all to experience. We are in a time of great upheaval, and collective awakening. It’s time to create communal spaces where we can come together, heal, laugh, grow, and support one another. It is our intention to expand out onto the 40+ acres with geodesic glamping domes for more guest accommodations and healing spaces, planting a food forest, structures for chickens, goats, and horses, and a multitude of other projects that would enable a community to Thrive here.
This is the next chapter for the dome.
host an event
Any event or workshop offering that aligns with holding sacred space and raising the frequency and vibration of the collective consciousness are welcome. To include homesteading, energy work, community gatherings, healthy cooking, or any healing modality for the individual or group.
If you’re interested in joining us for a class, please check out the Events calendar.
If you’re interested in hosting a workshop, retreat, or other event at the Dome, please check out our Contacts page, or directly email us at OmDome369@gmail.com with the following information.
Phone Number
What you’re interested in co-creating
If you or someone you know is looking for a work trade arrangement or might be interested in being part of a homesteading, healing community, please reach out and let us know as well.
“The goal of life is make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe, to match your nature with Nature”
“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Milky Way Galaxy